Join or Create a ‘Pollinator Pathway’ in your Town!

Article published at: Jun 20, 2024 Article author: Web Dev
Join or Create a ‘Pollinator Pathway’ in your Town!
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Ready to have your mind blown? Bees and other pollinators are secretly traveling on their very own “highways” called Pollinator Pathways. Okay, maybe it’s not that big a secret to those of you in the know. But for many of you, this is big and exciting news! Are you aware that there are probably Pollinator Pathways right in your own towns?

Go ahead and Google it. We’ll wait.

The concept for the original Pollinator Pathway was created in Seattle by a designer named Sarah Bergmann. In 2007, Sarah developed a mile-long stretch of land in the heart of the city that would allow her to study “…planetary history, ecology, design thinking, systems, culture, and the human relationship with the planet.”  All without having to travel to a remote location to find peace and solace. Sarah worked with the homeowners along this one-mile stretch to enable them to connect two green spaces: Seattle University, and a small park called Nora’s Woods, with plants and flowers that would support the pollinator population.


The original Pollinator Pathway was formed.

These are some of the photos showing the original Pollinator Pathway in Seattle

If you’re curious to learn more about the original Pollinator Pathway project, check out our go-to source for national and global info at

After the success of the Seattle project, many cities and towns joined forces to create their own Pollinator Pathways, which by definition must follow this criteria:

-It must connect two green landscapes

-It must contain very high percentages of hardy, native plants, meet pollinator requirements and be free of pesticides.

-It must be cared for, long term.

This is a project that is not to be taken lightly! The fact that so many individuals must work together to create, design, plan, build and maintain a pathway for our pollinating friends shows just how important this type of landscape is for the survival of these species and the food supplies they support.


What are some things that threaten our pollinators?

-Applications of pesticides and chemicals to our lawns and yards.

-Climate changes that affect the pollinator host plants

-Urban and suburban development, which means loss of available open space

Each year these threats become more widespread. The amazing hosts of the Pollinator Pathways in your areas are committed to the welfare of the pollinating species and are determined to make changes in the ecosystems and landscapes in their towns to help minimize these threats.


Now let’s get back to our favorite pollinator!

Did you know that honey bees travel up to 3 miles in search of food sources that will provide them with the perfect balance of proteins and lipids?

A Pollinator Pathway makes this journey much more efficient and successful for our little bees. How amazing would it be to find out that there is a Pollinator Pathway right in your own backyard, and the bees are just cruising on through? And, if there isn’t one close by, you could certainly start one.


Have you been following our #NoMowMay Campaign?

If so, you’ve already learned the many basic ways we can help our pollinating birds, bees and insects. Let the wild flowers grow, leave a patch of lawn (or the whole darn thing) alone to grow for a month or more, toss all your pesticides, and help spread the knowledge by sharing what you’ve learned with others. We’re hoping that you’ll become just as excited as we are and want to learn more.


Interested in joining or starting a Pollinator Pathway?

Our local source of information is Their mission states simply that they are: “Establishing pollinator-friendly habitats and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinating insects and wildlife.” We just love that!

A few other quick links to help you learn more about Pollinator Pathways:

1) To join the Northeast chapter of the Pollinator Pathway visit

2) To order the lovely 6” metal Pollinator Pathway Sign for your yard visit

3) To sign up for The Buzz, the Northeast’s newsletter visit 


Thanks for supporting all of the pollinator species and for supporting Little Bee of CT!
