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With the mega-frigid temperatures we’ve been enduring here in CT, it is extremely hard to imagine the sweet warmth of spring.
However, today must serve as a reminder to us all that spring is indeed just around the corner, because it’s National Seed Swap Day!
We have to admit, seed swapping is not something we’ve participated in, but we are sure that some of you have. Seed swapping goes back a very long way and was one of the first forms of trading something of value.
Today, seeds are swapped as a means to diversify gardens, and cultivate rare species of plants and flowers. Plus, if you’re a gardener, it is just plain fun! It’s a reason to get with your neighbors and plan gardens that will help diversify your neighborhoods. Possibly creating a pollinator pathway? Hmmm…
To observe #SeedSwapDay you can start planting seedlings in your home, swap seeds with family members, and post your activities on social media.
This article gives a bit more information on this historical national day.
And, this blog post has a list of seed swap activities by state and includes a few links to live chats happening tomorrow.
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And, please visit our website to see our complete line of all-natural and distinctive products…directly from the hive! Thank you for supporting Little Bee of CT and the busy beekeepers around the world!